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Infared Fever Screening & Detection Products
Infared Fever Screening & Detection Products
Infared Fever Screening & Detection Products
Viral epidemics like the current coronavirus (COVID-19), create a demand for fast and efficient infrared cameras that can screen for increased body surface temperature in humans.
Optris and Telea Infrared and Fever Screening Cameras
Optris and Telea Infrared and Fever Screening Cameras
Optris and Telea Infrared and Fever Screening Cameras
Pyrometers & Inline Thermal Cameras
Testo and Optris Thermal Imaging Cameras
Testo and Optris Thermal Imaging Cameras
Testo and Optris Thermal Imaging Cameras
Eurotec Ltd – Your trusted supplier for thermal imaging products and services.
Thermal imagers can assist you in your applications by enabling you to see more. Whether you are checking buildings, performing industrial maintenance, inspecting solar energy / photovoltaic systems or undertaking research.
To view our full range of Testo Thermal Imaging products, visit our online store www.testo.nz